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Location : Brussels ; Luxembourg ; Strasbourg
Publication end on external website : 30/06/2025 17:00
Service : 00-European Parliament
Ref. : ICT Expert (function group IV)
Guide for Candidates :



Contract staff in the area of Information and Communication Technology 

ICT Expert (function group IV) 

1.      General remarks

The Secretariat of the European Parliament is issuing this call with a view to establishing an extensive database of candidates for contract staff in function group IV in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) domain. This call for expression of interest for Contract Agents (‘CA-AMI’) is primarily aimed at supporting the Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support (DG ITEC).

The database will serve as a pool of candidates with expertise in ICT that encompasses a wide range of in-house ICT profiles, covering a broad range of skills and experience for possible recruitment in the European Parliament’s three main places of work, with a primary focus on our Strasbourg working site. 

As needs arise, persons whose names are included in the database, may be selected and be offered positions as auxiliary contract staff, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3b of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS). 

The European Parliament is an equal-opportunities employer and welcomes candidates without discrimination on any ground such as gender, skin colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.

If you want your name to be included in the database, please submit your CV and fill out the application form via the APPLY4EP platform. Start by creating an account. Read this call carefully to ensure you meet the criteria. Then, click on the ‘Apply online’ tab and follow the steps of the online application procedure. Make sure you also read carefully the guide attached to this call. Only one account may be created in APPLY4EP. The personal data recorded in the account will be processed in full compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council and will remain modifiable, so that these can be updated. The privacy statement for APPLY4EP is available on its homepage.

2.      Job description

We are seeking candidates with a diverse range of ICT expertise to fill various roles that collectively support the European Parliament’s objectives. This involves application development, project and team management, ICT architecture and engineering, managing and facilitating the relationship between the ICT department and its stakeholders. 

Key responsibilities may include: 

-       liaising between ICT and other departments, acting as a point of contact to understand and translate business requirements into ICT solutions;

-       project management, overseeing ICT projects from inception to completion, ensuring they meet stakeholder needs, are delivered on time, and within the budget;

-       programme management, planning and designing ICT programmes, monitoring their progress, stakeholder communication;

-       stakeholder engagement, regularly communicating with stakeholders to gather feedback, manage expectations, and keep them informed about project progress and ICT developments;

-       strategy development, contributing to the ICT strategy by incorporating stakeholder feedback and ensuring it supports the organisation’s overall objectives;

-       production of high-level or strategic studies, reports, best practice documents and technical procedures;

-       ICT development, architecture and engineering.

The area of activity may cover:

-       ICT development, maintenance and support;

-       DevSecOps and Agile methodologies, ITIL;

-       ICT data management, governance, and analytics;

-       ICT infrastructures, cloud, networks and middleware;

-       Digital workplace, office automation and mobile computing;

-       Design, reconfiguration, testing, operation and maintenance of ICT applications and off-the-shelf solutions;

-       Cybersecurity;

-       Artificial intelligence, business and enterprise architecture;

-       Management, coordination and supervision of teams

3.      Duties

In line with the programmes and priorities defined by Parliament’s bodies and/or management, and under the authority of the officials or temporary agents, the ICT experts deal with the following duties, depending on the service to which they are recruited:

1)     Coordinate ICT projects, ensure their functional consistency and their conformity with technical rules and standards;

2)     Manage, supervise, motivate and coordinate one or more teams - optimising the use of the department’s resources to provide a high-quality service (organisation, management of human and budgetary resources, innovation, etc.) in its area of responsibility;

3)     Maintain departmental applications, provide user support for the information systems concerned, define technical and functional architecture of ICT applications within the area of responsibility;

4)     Help with project management and organise needs assessments and/or feasibility studies, including meetings with stakeholders to assess their requirements;

5)     Monitor, coordinate and supervise the department’s budgetary and contract management, helping draw up the plan for the budget headings managed by the department;

6)     Creation and enforcement of policies for effective data management, leveraging data use inside the Parliament by enhancing their accessibility and availability;

7)     Prepare and follow up invitations to tender in highly technical fields;

8)     Organise support services (equipment and software) and first-and-second-level assistance for users with an emphasis on remote or hybrid meetings;

9)     Research architecture and general technical solutions, follow market developments, propose solutions to enhance Parliament’s ICT strategy, organise and implement an ICT technology watch (market research), impact assessment of new services and technologies on infrastructure and workstation development;

10)  Design and implementation AI models and algorithms, focusing on tasks from data pre-processing and model training to deployment, while ensuring ethical use and compliance with the relevant regulations.


Specific knowledge sought

The following list enumerates various domains of expertise. It is important to note that while these areas of knowledge are pertinent, not all elements are mandatory for all vacancies. The applicability of these knowledge domains will depend upon the specific services for which candidates are recruited. Candidates will be selected based on their specific knowledge of expertise and the profile required to fill the vacant post.

1)     Knowledge of distributed ICT and network technology (individual or departmental equipment, personal office systems and ICT);

2)     Knowledge of project management methodologies;

3)     Knowledge of data governance, data management and data analytics, familiarity with modern database and information system technologies;

4)     Professional knowledge of standard information and communication technologies including Cloud;

5)     Knowledge of collaborative, videoconferencing and multimedia tools;

6)     Knowledge of the administrative and/or legal and budgetary rules governing the award of public contracts;

7)     Knowledge of team management methods, load assessment and planning methods;

8)     Knowledge of the applications and/or software used in the area of activities concerned;

9)     Knowledge of software and/or development packages (programming languages, database management systems), Agile methodologies, containers and understanding of application lifecycle;

10)  Knowledge of ICT infrastructures, including capacity to negotiate their terms of use;

11)  Knowledge of ICT architecture design and engineering;

12)  Ability to define required configurations;

13)  Excellent verbal and written communication skills to explain technical concepts to non-technical users;

14)  Commitment to staying updated with the latest technological advancements and best practices in ICT support;

15)  Strong focus on delivering high-quality support to enhance user satisfaction; ability to handle stressful situations calmly and professionally;

16)  Ability to work in a team as well as autonomously.

4.      Eligibility

To be eligible for possible future recruitment to contract agent position, you will need to meet the general and specific criteria that follow:

a.      General criteria 

·        Be a citizen of one of the Member States of the European Union.

·        Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by national laws concerning military service.

·        Produce the appropriate character references as to his/her suitability for the performance of his/her duties.

b.     Specific criteria

       i.           Qualifications and skills required

(i) a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least three years attested by a diploma,


(ii) where justified in the interest of the service, professional training of an equivalent level.

Prior to being recruited, candidates will be asked to provide documents substantiating the information contained in the application form (diplomas, certificates and other supporting documents).

Diplomas, whether issued in a Member State or in a non-EU country, must be recognised by an official body of an EU Member State, such as the ministry of education. 

Candidates holding diplomas issued in a non-EU country must provide an EU-equivalence for their diplomas. You may find further information on recognition of non-EU qualifications in the ENIC-NARIC networks (

     ii.           Knowledge of languages

Candidates must have a thorough knowledge (at least level C1) of one of the European Union’s official languages (language 1): Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish or Swedish, 


a satisfactory knowledge (at least level B2) of English or French (language 2). Language 2 must be different from language 1.

For reasons of equality of treatment, all candidates, whose first language is English or French, are required to have a satisfactory knowledge of one of the European Union’s other official languages.

Please note that the minimum levels required above apply to each area of linguistic aptitude (speaking, writing, reading, listening) referred to on the application form. These abilities correspond to those specified in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( Please note that level C2 is the highest level in the framework, while A1 is the lowest level.

Applicants are informed that English and French have  been specified in the interests of the services.

Both English and French are the languages most commonly used to communicate within and among the units in the Directorates-General and Parliament’s political and administrative authorities.

Given that the existing devices and procedures for these specialised fields are established in English, proficiency in English is crucial. English serves as the primary language for communication and development in the IT field internationally and within most EU institutions, encompassing roles such as programmers, analysts and architects. Therefore, proficiency in English is essential for the positions available.

French is extensively used in IT services within the European Parliament and its Directorates General. Considering that the positions are primarily located in Strasbourg, with a significant presence of French-speaking ICT service providers, proficiency  in French is essential to facilitate effective interaction with these teams. 

Accordingly, in order to be able to perform their duties effectively and  become operational as soon as possible, the recruited contract staff must be able to work and communicate effectively in English and/or French.

   iii.            Professional experience required 

After obtaining, the qualifications mentioned in section (4.b.i) above, applicants must have acquired at least one year of professional experience relevant to the duties specified in section 3 above.

5.      Database

If you

·        meet the general eligibility criteria, and

·        have completed the application form via the APPLY4EP platform (see below, ‘Applications’) in accordance with the procedure and by the deadline,

your name will be included in the database.

Inclusion of your name will be based solely on the information given on the application form and in the attached documents. This information and these documents will be verified later, if you are made an offer of recruitment.

When needs arise, the recruiting services will consult the database to identify and shortlist candidates whose profiles align with their specific needs, based on the information in their applications. If shortlisted, you will be invited to tests and/or interviews conducted by the recruiting services. The tests and/or interviews are designed to evaluate your suitability for the relevant position. Knowledge of languages may also be evaluated during this process.

It should be noted that any discrepancies found between the information provided and the facts established through verification will lead to the candidate’s exclusion from the selection process, their details will be removed from the database and a contract will not be offered. 

6.      Applications - how to express your interest?

Interested persons must complete their application form via the APPLY4EP online platform. Expressions of interest can only be submitted via this platform.

Once you have created your account, you must upload a detailed curriculum vitae (CV). You must use the Europass format (

You must then complete the remainder of the application form. 

The closing date for expressions of interest is 

30 June 2025 at 17:00 (Luxembourg time)

Applications received after that date will not be accepted. 

Inclusion of your name in the database or being invited to a test or an interview is not a guarantee that you will be offered a job. 

The European Parliament applies a strict equal opportunities policy in its selection procedures, in order to guarantee equal treatment of all candidates.

The conditions of employment at the EU institutions are laid down in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS). Full details of the working arrangements can be found here:  (Title IV) ‘Contract staff’).

Since 1 July 2023 the basic monthly salary (contract staff, function group IV) has been between EUR 3 982,82 and EUR 8 355,86 depending on the candidate’s training and specific professional experience. 

The database will be valid until 31 December 2025. Its validity may be extended by decision of the appointing authority. If it is extended, the candidates whose names have been included on the list will be informed in due time.