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Publication end on external website : 13/04/2023 17:00
Service : 11-Directorate-General for Finance
Guide for Candidates :
Declaration :

Before applying, you must read carefully the Guide for candidates attached to this recruitment notice.

The Guide is an integral part of the recruitment notice and will help you to understand the rules governing selection procedures and how to go about applying.











1. General remarks

The European Parliament has decided to organise, on the basis of Article 29(2) of the Staff Regulations of Officials and Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (Staff Regulations), a selection procedure for the recruitment of officials to the Directorate-General for Finance (DG FINS).

DG FINS is looking for highly knowledgeable and capable professionals able to assist in managing and maintaining the European Parliament SAP S4HANA platform under the responsibility of the Directorate-General. The selection procedure mainly aims to fill vacant posts in the FMS Competence Centre Unit in Luxembourg.

Recruitment will be at grades AD 6 and AD 9.

The selection procedure aims to draw up a list of 10 successful candidates per grade.

For grade AD 9, first step, the basic salary is EUR 8 786.88 per month.

For grade AD 6, first step, the basic salary is EUR 6 066.59 per month.

This salary is subject to Union tax and to the other deductions provided for by the Staff Regulations. It is exempt from national tax. The step at which the successful candidates are recruited may be adjusted in accordance with their professional experience. Moreover, in certain circumstances, allowances will be paid in addition to the basic salary.

This notice covers two grades (AD 6 and AD 9). Candidates may apply for one grade only. Therefore, as referred to in Section B.1. of the recruitment notice, they must opt for a grade when applying online, and may not change their choice after validating their online application.

Subject to certain conditions, however, the selection board may reassign applications for grade AD 9 to grade AD 6.  The conditions for reassignment are set out in Section B.1. of the recruitment notice.

The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any ground such as gender, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.


2. Job description

2.1. FMS Competence Centre Unit

The core mission of the Directorate-General for Finance (DG FINS) is to empower the European Parliament to manage responsibly the EU budget and Parliament’s own budget.

To this end, DG FINS ensures:

  • good financial management of the budget made available to the European Union and the European Parliament;
  • transparency regarding the use of that budget;
  • support to Parliament’s political players in financial management.

DG FINS develops a simplified working environment for all financial stakeholders in order to facilitate the achievement of their financial tasks. In that context, the FMS Competence Centre Unit has assumed the responsibility of implementing and maintaining the central Financial Management System (FMS) of the European Parliament.

FMS has been part of the European Parliament’s financial applications landscape since January 2020. It integrates budget execution, financial accounting, contract management, inventory management and cost accounting in one tool.

The move to FMS has also enabled the European Parliament to:

  • streamline, standardise, and automate key budgetary and financial processes;
  • improve the visibility and availability of decision-critical information for the top and middle management;
  • exercise better control over available resources (human, IT and financial).

The scope of FMS has recently evolved to take in new areas covering other processes such as the calculation of the remuneration, allowances and pensions of the Members of the European Parliament (MEP) and the creation of new managerial financial reports.


2.2. Tasks

The FMS Competence Centre Unit will be the main unit to which successful candidates can be recruited. Working in English, the Business Analysts recruited will be expected to carry out several of the following tasks for the implementation and/or maintenance of the SAP systems managed by the unit: 

  • defining and implementing process solutions in S4HANA Finance and Procurement. Knowledge of S4HANA HCM and BW4HANA tools, also used by the European Parliament, will be considered an asset;
  • gathering business requirements and translating them into functional solutions;
  • streamlining SAP processes and aligning them to business requirements;
  • designing SAP integrations with customers’ legacy applications;
  • taking the necessary actions for SAP applications maintenance (upgrades, improvements, corrections, etc.);
  • performing functional testing; managing end-user acceptance testing;
  • providing user support, including professional training;
  • participating in the coordination and supervision of work delivered by external providers;
  • contributing on the execution of projects required for the completion of the Directorate-General’s strategic plans, in particular a potential future use of cloud solutions, and integrating new SAP products efficiently.


2.3. Skills sought

The successful candidate(s) will have to demonstrate the following skills and competencies in the execution of the tasks specified above:

  • the ability to communicate clearly and precisely in English, both orally and in writing;
  • the ability to identify the critical facts in complex issues and develop creative and practical solutions;
  • the ability to work co-operatively in teams, encouraging shared objectives and the exchange of knowledge with other colleagues;
  • the ability to train and share knowledge with end-users in an efficient manner;
  • the ability to prioritise the most important tasks and organise workloads efficiently;
  • the ability to work effectively under pressure and the flexibility to adapt to a changing working environment; 
  • the drive to take the initiative to deliver high-quality work;
  • a clear focus on customer orientation (internal and external).


3. Eligibility

On the closing date for applications, candidate(s) must meet the general and specific eligibility criteria:

(a)     General criteria

In accordance with Article 28 of the Staff Regulations, you must:

  • be a national of one of the European Union’s Member States;
  • enjoy full rights as a citizen;
  • have fulfilled any obligations imposed on you by the laws on military service;
  • be able to produce the appropriate character references attesting to your suitability for the performance of the duties involved.


(b)     Specific eligibility criteria

(i)      Qualifications required

For grade AD 6:

You must have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least three years, attested by a diploma officially recognised in one of the Member States of the European Union.

For grade AD 9:

You must have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least four years, attested by a diploma officially recognised in one of the Member States of the European Union,


a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least three years, attested by a diploma officially recognised in one of the Member States of the European Union, followed by at least one year of relevant professional experience in the field of the selection procedure.

Diplomas, whether issued in a Member State or in a non-EU country, must be recognised by an official body of an EU Member State, such as the ministry of education.

Candidates holding diplomas issued in a non-EU country must provide an EU-equivalence for their diplomas, as part of their application. You can find further information on recognition of non-EU qualifications through the ENIC-NARIC networks (

The selection board will take account of the differences between education systems.

For further information, refer to Annex 1 to the Guide for candidates in selection procedures organised by the European Parliament.

(ii)     Professional experience required

After obtaining the qualifications giving access to the selection procedure (see point (i) above), candidate(s) must have acquired professional experience and technical knowledge in SAP.

  • For grade AD 6: at least 2 years’ professional experience in connection with the above mentioned tasks (section 2.2.) in finance or procurement SAP modules.
  • For grade AD 9: at least 10 years’ professional experience in connection with the above mentioned tasks (section 2.2.) in finance or procurement SAP modules. Candidates must also have experience related to the S4HANA platform in finance or procurement modules of at least three years (which may be included within the minimum requirement of 10 years, mentioned above).

(iii)     Knowledge of languages

You must have a thorough knowledge (at least level C1) of one of the European Union’s official languages (language 1): Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish or Swedish,


a satisfactory knowledge (at least level B2) of English (language 2). Language 2 must be different from language 1.  If a candidate’s language 1 is English, language 2 must be any other official language of the European Union (at least level B2).

Please note that the minimum levels required above apply to each area of linguistic aptitude (speaking, writing, reading, listening) referred to on the application form. These abilities correspond to those specified in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (

The language options for this selection procedure have been laid down in the interests of the service. By virtue of the duties involved, the post of SAP Business Analyst calls for specific abilities as set out in section A.2 of this recruitment notice.

Almost all of the work of the FMS Competence Centre Unit is performed in English. English is the language used in the communication with other Parliament directorates-general and political bodies of the European Parliament as well as with the external providers of SAP systems. In addition, English is the language used for meetings and for the production of functional and technical documents. Accordingly, in order for the persons recruited to perform their duties and ensure the smooth functioning of the service, they must be able to work and communicate effectively in English.



The procedure is based on tests.

1. Admission

The selection board will assess your application in the light of the specific eligibility criteria (section A.3). If you meet the specific eligibility criteria, the selection board will admit you to the pre-selection procedure. The board will base its decisions solely on information given in the application form and substantiated by supporting documents.

NB: When applying online, candidates must specify the grade for which they are applying (AD 6 or AD 9). All candidates must also upload their duly completed declaration form to the relevant section of the application. If candidates applying for grade AD 9 do not submit a declaration or if the declaration is incomplete, their application will be inadmissible.

For applications for grade AD 9: When verifying eligibility, the selection board may reassign an application to grade AD 6 if:

– the details given in the application make it clear that the candidate does not meet the eligibility criteria for grade AD 9, but does do so for grade AD 6;


– the candidate, in the declaration, has consented to reassignment to grade AD 6. It should be noted that, if no declaration is submitted or if the declaration is incomplete, candidates who do not meet the eligibility criteria for grade AD 9 cannot be reassigned to grade AD 6 and will therefore not be admitted to the selection procedure.


2. Tests

a) Multiple choice question (MCQ) pre-selection test

If the selection board decides to admit you to the selection procedure, you will be invited to take the pre-selection test in the form of a set of computer-based MCQs, providing that you have submitted your application file:

– in accordance with the arrangements stipulated in section C, and

– by the deadline stipulated in section C.

The MCQ test will be in English.

The MCQ test will consist of a maximum of 30 questions intended to assess your ability to identify information relating to the job description (section A.2). The pass mark will be 50 %.

This test will last a maximum of 45 minutes and will be held online.

b) Written test

The written test will be organised in English and will be designed to assess your suitability in relation to the tasks specified in the job description (section A.2).

The selection board will not only assess the answers to the written test from a technical point of view, but will also evaluate your drafting skills, paying particular attention to your ability to communicate in a structured, logical and clear manner.

The written test will take place directly after the MCQ pre-selection test. If you do not achieve at least the pass mark in the MCQ pre-selection test, your written test will not be marked.

The written test will last a maximum of 120 minutes.

Marking: 0 to 60 points (pass mark: 30 points).

The test will be held online.

The 20 candidates, for each grade of the selection procedure, who obtain the highest number of points in the written test, will be invited to the oral test, provided they have achieved the pass mark in the written test. The selection board will invite any candidates tied for the final qualifying place for each grade.

c) Oral test

Interview with the selection board in English to assess your suitability to perform the tasks, and your skills and competencies as outlined in section A.2 (Job description), taking account of all the information contained in your application file. The selection board will test the language 1 of all candidates who declared English as their language 2, and will also test the other language of candidates who declared English as their language 1.

Maximum duration: 45 minutes.

Marking: 0 to 40 points (pass mark: 20 points).

The oral test may be held remotely.

You will receive instructions concerning the written and oral tests in good time. The tests will take place at a specific time on a specific date. If you do not reply to an invitation, cannot be contacted by email or fail to show up for a test, you risk being disqualified. You must follow the instructions to the letter. Any failure to follow the instructions or any action not consistent with the instructions will lead to your immediate disqualification.


3. List of suitable candidates

The selection board will draw up a list of 10 suitable candidates for each grade of the selection procedure, containing the names of the eligible candidates with the highest overall scores. These overall scores are the total of the number of points the candidates obtained for the written test and oral test, provided they achieved the pass mark in each of the written and oral tests. The names of the successful candidates will be included on the list for each grade in alphabetical order. The list may include any candidates tied for the final place for each grade.

The list will remain valid until 31 December 2026. Its validity may be extended by decision of the appointing authority. If it is extended, the candidates whose names have been included on the list will be informed in good time.

The successful candidates will be informed individually of their results, and the list of suitable candidates will be posted on the official website of the European Parliament.

If you are offered a job, you will be required to produce the originals of all requisite documents, including diplomas and employment certificates, for verification.

Inclusion on a list of suitable candidates does not constitute either a right to, or a guarantee of, recruitment.



How to apply:

You must apply via the Apply4EP platform:

You must read carefully the Guide for candidates in competitions and selection procedures organised by the European Parliament before completing the application form and provide the relevant supporting documents.

Deadline for applications

The deadline for applications is

17.00 Luxembourg time on 13 April 2023

An acknowledgement of receipt will automatically be sent to you as soon as your application form has been validated.

Please DO NOT TELEPHONE the European Parliament to ask about this selection procedure.