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Location : Brussels
Publication end on external website : 28/11/2022 12:00
Service : 10-Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences
Guide for Candidates :

Before applying, you must read carefully the Guide for Candidates attached to this recruitment notice.

The Guide is an integral part of the recruitment notice and helps to understand the rules governing selection procedures and how to go about applying.









  1. General remarks

The European Parliament has decided to open the procedure for filling a temporary staff member post (AD 7) in the Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences, Directorate for Conference Organisation, Remote Conference Services Unit.

The profile sought is that of administrator - administrative manager - responsible for:

  • supporting and coordinating complex meetings using the remote multilingual participation platform;
  • improving work procedures relating to the organisation of meetings with remote multilingual participation or remote simultaneous interpretation;
  • coordinating the strategic development of services provided using the platform.

The place of employment will be Brussels.

The contract will be concluded for an indefinite period. Recruitment will be at grade AD 7, first step, the basic salary for which is EUR 6 568.39 per month. This salary is subject to Community tax and to the other deductions provided for by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS). It is exempt from national tax. The step at which the successful candidates are recruited may be adjusted in accordance with their professional experience. Moreover, in certain circumstances allowances will be paid in addition to the basic salary.

The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any ground such as gender, ethnicity, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.


  1. Job description

The Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (DG LINC) is the cornerstone of all multilingual conference services in the European Parliament. DG LINC’s mission is to give the European Parliament the means to achieve its political objectives by providing it with linguistic, technical and logistical support for its meetings with the highest degree of professionalism and attention to excellence. DG LINC contributes to democratic legitimacy by helping Members convey their views in all the official languages, ensuring that legislative work runs smoothly and is accessible to all Europeans.

The Directorate for Conference Organisation in DG LINC focuses on providing conference services other than interpretation for the organisers of conferences and events in the European Parliament. It ensures that the administrative, technical and logistical support for the organisation of meetings, conferences and events is provided in a smooth and efficient manner.

Posted to Brussels, the person recruited as administrator - administrative manager will carry out, under the authority of his or her line manager and in the context of programmes and priorities drawn up by Parliament’s governing bodies and their management, the following main duties:

  • providing support and coordination for complex meetings using the remote multilingual participation platform;
  • managing relations with the provider of the remote participation platform in order to ensure ongoing improvement in the service provided;
  • coordinating the strategic development of services provided by the unit using the remote participation platform;
  • disseminating all internal and external communications and documents necessary for ensuring that users of DG LINC services, including Members and staff, are kept properly informed;
  • promoting awareness-raising activities;
  • supporting the day-to-day management of the team responsible for facilitating meetings using the remote multilingual participation platform;
  • coordinating with interpreters (planning, information, follow-up, etc.).

These duties call for the ability to analyse problems and think clearly and for decision-making and drafting skills. The administrator - administrative manager will also be required to show initiative, adaptability and a strong commitment to customer service and the ability to anticipate problems. He or she must also have project management and negotiating skills. He or she must demonstrate the ability to grasp a range of often complex problems, to react quickly to changing circumstances, to communicate effectively in English, to work to tight deadlines on a regular basis, both individually and as part of a team, to adapt to a European and/or international environment and to deal with people at all administrative levels.

The main working language is English, which is essential for the management of relations with the provider of the remote participation platform and is the main language used in external communication with clients (including with the secretariats of parliamentary committees and political groups, as well as with Members), the creation of all documents, promotional activities and team management.

These duties will involve regular travel to Parliament’s other places of work (Luxembourg and Strasbourg) and elsewhere.


  1. Eligibility

On the closing date for applications, you must meet the following conditions:

(a)     General criteria

Under Article 12(2) of the CEOS, you must:

  • be a national of one of the European Union’s Member States;
  • enjoy full rights as a citizen;
  • have fulfilled any obligations imposed on you by the laws on military service;
  • be able to produce the appropriate character references as to your suitability for the performance of your duties.

(b)     Specific criteria

(i)      Qualifications required

You must have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least three years’ duration attested by a diploma officially recognised in one of the Member States. The selection committee will take account of the differences between the Member States’ education systems. Examples of the minimum qualifications required are given in the table included in the Guide for Candidates.

Diplomas, whether issued in a Member State or in a non-EU country, must be recognised by an official body of an EU Member State, such as the ministry of education.

(ii)       Professional experience required

In addition to the qualifications required under point A.3(b)(i) you must have acquired at least 24 months of professional experience relevant to the duties described in section A.2.

(iii)      Knowledge of languages

You must have a thorough knowledge (level C1) of one of the European Union’s official languages (language 1): Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish or Swedish,


a satisfactory knowledge (level B2) of English (language 2). Language 2 must be different from language 1. If language 1 is English, a satisfactory knowledge (level B2 minimum) of one of the European Union’s 23 other official languages is required.

Please note that the minimum levels required above apply to each area of linguistic aptitude (speaking, writing, reading, listening) referred to on the application form. These abilities correspond to those specified in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (

The language 2 option for this selection procedure (English) has been laid down in the interests of the service and reflects the specific language skills required to perform the duties set out in section A.2 of this recruitment notice. Accordingly, if the person recruited is to perform these tasks and help to ensure that the department runs smoothly, he or she must be able to communicate effectively in English. The person recruited must be able to interact with the different secretariats which organise meetings with remote multilingual participation, with colleagues in the various departments involved in providing services for those meetings and with the platform providers, and to communicate effectively with other parties inside and outside Parliament as well as with management and colleagues within the department. All these tasks are mainly carried out in English.


In addition, in the interests of equality of treatment and in accordance with Article 12(2)(e) of the CEOS, all candidates, even if they have English as their first official language, are required to have at least a satisfactory knowledge of a second European Union official language.



The procedure is based on qualifications and tests.

  1. Admission to the selection procedure

If you

  • meet the general eligibility criteria, and
  • have submitted your application in accordance with the arrangements specified and by the closing date,

the selection committee will assess your application in the light of the specific eligibility criteria.

If you meet the specific eligibility criteria, the selection committee will admit you to the selection procedure.

The committee will base its decisions solely on information given in the application form which is substantiated by supporting documents.


  1. Assessment of qualifications

On the basis of a marking grid laid down in advance, the selection committee will assess the qualifications of candidates admitted to the selection procedure and draw up a list of the 12 best candidates, who will be invited to the written test. The selection committee will invite any candidates tied for the final qualifying place.

In assessing the candidates’ qualifications, the selection committee will take particular account of the following aspects, which must be substantiated by supporting documents enclosed with the application file:

  • experience of work in and/or with political bodies;
  • experience of organising events with simultaneous interpretation;
  • experience of operational and practical management of remote multilingual participation platforms;
  • experience of defining and improving work procedures in connection with meetings with remote multilingual participation;
  • experience in a European and/or international environment.

Marking: 0 to 20 points.


  1. Tests

Written test

  • Drafting test in English, based on a set of documents, to test your ability to perform the duties set out in section A.2 and your drafting and summarising skills.

Time allowed: 3 hours.

Marking: 0 to 40 points (pass mark: 20).

This computer-based test will be held remotely.

The six candidates who obtain the highest number of points in the written test will be invited to the oral tests, provided they have achieved the pass mark. The selection committee will invite any candidates tied for the final qualifying place.

Oral tests

  • Interview with the selection committee in English to assess, taking account of all the information contained in your application file, your suitability to perform the duties set out in section A.2. The selection committee will also test the language you specified as language 1, or language 2 if your language 1 is English.

Maximum duration: 45 minutes.

Marking: 0 to 40 points (pass mark: 20).

  • Group discussion or role-play exercise in English to enable the selection committee to assess your skills as described in section A.2 of this recruitment notice, including your adaptability, negotiating skills, creativity and decision-making, as well as your performance in a group or in a given situation.

The selection committee will decide how long the group discussion test will last on the basis of the composition of the groups.

The maximum duration of the role-play exercise will be 20 minutes.

Marking: 0 to 20 points (pass mark: 10).

These tests may be held remotely.

You will receive instructions concerning the written and oral tests in good time. The tests will take place at a specific time on a specific date. If you do not reply to an invitation, cannot be contacted by email or fail to show up for a test, you will be disqualified. You must follow the instructions to the letter. Any failure to follow the instructions or any action not consistent with the instructions will lead to your immediate disqualification.


  1. List of suitable candidates

The list of suitable candidates will contain, in order of merit, the names of the three candidates who have obtained the highest overall scores in the procedure (assessment of qualifications and tests) and have passed each of the tests. The list will include any candidates tied for the final place.

You will be informed individually in writing of your results.

The list of suitable candidates will be published on Parliament’s intranet.

The period of validity of the list of suitable candidates will expire on 31 December 2026. Its validity may be extended by decision of the appointing authority. If it is extended, the candidates whose names have been included on the list will be informed in good time.

If you are offered a job, you will be required to produce the originals of all requisite documents, including diplomas and employment certificates, for verification.

Inclusion on a list of suitable candidates does not constitute either a right to, or a guarantee of, recruitment.



To apply, you must have an account on the Apply4EP platform: You may create only ONE account. To do so, click on the ‘Apply online’ tab at the bottom of the page.

You must read carefully the Guide for Candidates in competitions/selection procedures organised by the European Parliament before completing the application form and provide the relevant supporting documents.


Deadline for applications

The deadline for applications is

12.00 (noon) Brussels time on 28 November 2022.


An acknowledgement of receipt will automatically be sent to you as soon as your application form has been validated.

Please DO NOT TELEPHONE to ask about the timetable for the procedure.